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BYRNA MAX Projectile .68 Cal


CHF 27.00 - CHF 399.00
Eine Bewertung schreiben
Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 48 Stunden - Falls nicht auf Lager, bitte anrufen.
.68 Cal
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The Byrna Max .68 Cal Projectiles are the most potent self-defense rounds available, combining OC (Oleoresin Capsicum) pepper spray and CS (tear gas) into a single high-impact projectile. Designed for maximum stopping power, these projectiles burst on impact, creating a rapidly dispersing chemical cloud that incapacitates attackers within seconds.

Important Usage Note : 
For use - Always use with caution.
Impact can cause injury - Avoid shooting at unintended targets.
Effects :

Upon impact, the projectile bursts, creating an airborne irritant cloud that rapidly spreads, affecting the eyes, throat, and lungs. Symptoms include:

 - Burning sensation in the throat, eyes, and lungs
 - Wheezing, gasping, and dry coughing
 - Shortness of breath and excessive salivation
 - Nausea and chest tightness
 - Disorientation, agitation, and panic

Be prepared. Stay protected. Get Byrna Max .68 Cal Projectiles today !